• Question: Did you always know that you wanted to be an engineer?

    Asked by smithz to Charlie, Danielle, Henry, Nicola, Zoe on 17 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by pamelaparker1.
    • Photo: Zoe George

      Zoe George answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      Hi smithz 🙂

      No I actually didn’t know when I was younger, there were not as many events as there are now so I had no idea how many different types of jobs there were in engineering. I always loved science so i knew I would stay in something that involved that (I do a mix of chemistry and chemical engineering)

      It is really good now that they have events like this so you can see and talk to engineers to find out what they do!

    • Photo: Danielle Epstein

      Danielle Epstein answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      I definitely didn’t always know I wanted to be an engineer… I only started thinking about it when I was doing my A Levels at around 16… I really liked maths and science and wanted to be able to do something which made a difference so engineering seemed ideal.

    • Photo: Nicola Gale

      Nicola Gale answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      I always knew I wanted to do something technical and challenging but as a youngster I never really considered engineering as a profession.

      Growing up engineering was seen as something ‘girls don’t do’ and I was directed by many teachers into other career choices which they felt were ‘better suited’

      Also as I got older I found maths increasingly difficult (something I would later find out is due to dyslexia) so didn’t think I would make it as an engineer.

      Initally I started out my career life as a journalist writing for local newspapers, it was a career I enjoyed (I still enjoy writing in fact! ) but I still wanted to so something more technical.

      It wasn’t until I was 33 I had the chance to realise my ambition when I was accepted on my Marine Engineering course. it was hard work (I still struggle with maths!) but I felt a huge sense if achievement the day I graduated.

      I haven’t regretted the decision yet!
